Forecasts for 
Stocks, Commodities, FX and 

Supporting the financial industry with insights on the level of institutional traders

The trend is your friend

As trade finance takes place in dynamic markets, trendtechnique-supported price forecasts must be highly adaptable to specific market environments and customer needs.

Think big, act small

  • In the largest possible representation, every price course is an irregular wave in which other irregular waves run nested within one another.
  • The oscillations of the interlocking waves get their impulse from trade. Within the waves, interlocking trends can be seen in sections. The trends mentioned each have directional information and, in their nesting, show effects on one another and thus regularities.

Laws of the trends

  • We were able to develop the laws of the trends on the basis of various specialist literature and our own intensive studies of the waves and the associated trends and record them in writing. From the specialist literature mentioned, we refer, among other things, to the Dow theory and the Elliott wave principle.
  • We use 29 trend laws.

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